Hymettus undertakes research and is the leading source of advice on the conservation of bees, wasps, ants and other invertebrates in the British Isles
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Formica exsecta

Short-haired Bumblebee Project



The Narrow-headed Ant (Formica exsecta)

Formica exsecta - an ant of conservation concern
In recent years, populations of F.exsecta in the UK have become severely localised due to habitat loss and competition with other ant species. Viable populations are restricted to the forest complex of Abernethy-Glenmore-Rothiemurchus in Speyside.and to one site in South-West England. The decline of F. exsecta has attracted significant research effort into the causes of decline, the habitat requirements, distribution and status of the ant. Much of this work has been carried out by University students and inevitably forms part of the ‘grey’ literature of postgraduate theses and undergraduate dissertations. This page aims to provide a listing of any material reporting the results of research on F. exsecta and to make as much as possible of this available for download. The main thing is that anyone who might be planning research should know what unpublished papers are available as well as what they are and where they can be accessed.

Reports and publications 

Download the references here

Agosti, D. & Hauschteck-Jungen E. (1987) Polymorphism of males in Formica exsecta Nyl. (Hym: Formicidae). Ins. Soc. 34 (4), 280-290

Barrett, K.E.J. (1979) Provisional Atlas of the Insects of the British Isles, Part 5 Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Ants. (2nd Edition). Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Huntingdon.

Bliss, P., Katzerke, A. & Neumann, P. (2006). The role of molehills and
grasses for filial nest founding in the wood ant Formica exsecta
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology, 47, 903–913.

Brian, M. V. (1952) The structure of a dense natural ant population.
Journal of Animal Ecology 21, 12-24.

Brian, M.V. (1977). Ants. London: Collins.

Brian, M.V. & Brian, A.D. (1951) Insolation and ant population in the West of Scotland. Trans R. ent Soc. Lond. 102, 303-330.

Brown, M. & Judge, R. (2007). Report: Preliminary investigation into mating patterns and nest structure in Formica exsecta in the UK using microsatellite markers. Unpublished.

Brown, W. & Keller, L. (2000). Colony sex ratios vary with queen number but not relatedness asymmetry in the ant Formica exsecta. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 267, 1751–1757.

Brown, W. & Keller, L. (2002). Queen recruitment and split sex ratios in polygynous colonies of the ant Formica exsecta. Ecol. Letters, 5, 102–109

Brown, W., Liautard, C. & Keller, L. (2002) Sex-ratio dependent execution of queens in polygynous colonies of the ant Formica exsecta. Oecologia, 134. 12-17

Carroll, S. (2008). Formica exsecta in Devon in 2008. Unpublished report for Hymettus Ltd. Download here

Carroll, S. (2009). Formica exsecta in Devon in 2009. Unpublished report for Hymettus Ltd.

Dallas, J.F., Gow, J.L., Jones, A.M. & Young, M.R. (1998). Genetic evidence for social polymorphism in the rare wood ant Formica exsecta Nyl. in Scotland. British Ecological Society Bulletin SEPG 1528

England, D. (1996). Formica exsecta on Chudleigh Knighton Heath. Report for BSc Hons. Exeter University.

Felber, K. M. (1997). Habitat preference of the rare red wood ant Formica exsecta in Abernethy Forest. Honours degree thesis, University of Aberdeen.
Fortelius, W. Pamilio, P. Rosengren, R. & Lundstrom, L. (1987). Male size dimorphism and alternative reproductive tactics in Formica exsecta ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologicia Fennici 24, 45–54.

Gallagher, P. (2010). Narrow-headed ant (Formica exsecta) Black Wood of Rannoch (Camghouran) site survey. Unpublished report for Scottish Wildlife Trust.  download here

Goropashnaya, A., Fedorov, V., Seifert, B. & Pamilo, P. (2007). Phylogeography and population structure in the ant Formica exsecta (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) across Eurasia as reflected by mitochondrial DNA variation and microsatellites. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 44, 462-474.

Gyllenstrand, N, Gertsch, P.J. & Pamilo, P (2002). Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the ant Formica exsecta. Molecular Ecology Notes, 2, 67–69.

Hoare, R.J.B., Hughes, J., Jones, A. & Ramel, G.J.L. (1996). A review of
the status of Formica exsecta Nylander (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) in
Scotland 1994. The Entomologist, 115, 23–29.

Hughes, J. (2006). A review of wood ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Scotland.
Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 178 (ROAME No. F04AC319).

Hughes, J. (1997). Review of the distribution of Formica exsecta Nylander in Scotland with a survey of sites with no recent records. Scottish Natural Heritage Research Survey and Monitoring Report No 81.

Hunter, D.P. (2000). Competetive interactions between the wood-ants Formica exsecta Nylander and Formica aquilonia Yarrow (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Honours degree thesis, University of Aberdeen.

James, P. (2008). Baseline data gathering for monitoring Formica exsecta in the designated Conservation Zone, Glenmore Forest: A brief account of the methodology and summary findings of fieldwork carried out in August and September 2008. Unpublished.

Johnstone, J.A. (1998). Quantification of threats to the rare narrow headed wood ant (Formica exsecta) at Abernethy Forest. Honours degree thesis, University of Aberdeen.

Jones, S. (2009). Distribution pattern and the effect of density on survival and resource capture in the Narrow-headed Ant, Formica exsecta Nyl. University of East Anglia.

Kümmerli, R. & Keller, L. (2007a). Contrasting population genetic structure for workers and queens in the putatively unicolonial ant Formica exsecta. Molecular Ecology, 16, 4493-4503.

Kümmerli, R. & Keller, L. (2007b). Reproductive specialization in multiple-queen colonies of the ant Formica exsecta. Behavioural Ecology, 18, 375-383.

Kümmerli, R. & Keller, L. (2008). Reproductive parameters vary with social and ecological factors in the polygynous ant Formica exsecta. Oikos, 117, 580-590.

Kümmerli, R., Helms, K. & Keller, L. (2005). Experimental manipulation of queen number affects colony sex ratio investments in the highly polygynous ant Formica exsecta. Proc. R. Soc. B, 272, 1789–1794.

Liautard, C. & Keller, L. (2001). Restricted effective queen dispersal at a microgeographic scale in polygynous populations of the ant Formica exsecta. International Journal of Organic Evolution, 55, 2484–2492.

Littlewood, N. (2001). Can a habitat suitability model predict and explain the distribution of a rare invertebrate? MSc thesis, University of Aberdeen.

Littlewood, N.A. & Young, M.R. (2008). A habitat suitability model for the narrow-headed ant, Formica exsecta, evaluated against independent data. Insect Conservation and Diversity 1, 108–113

Maggini, R., Guisan, A. & Cherix, D. (2002). A stratified approach for modelling the distribution of the ant species Formica exsecta in the Swiss National Park. Biodiversity and Conservation, 11, 2117–2141.

Martin, S., Vitikainen, E., Helanterä, H. & Drijfhout F. (2008). Chemical basis of nest-mate discrimination in the ant Formica exsecta. Proc. R. Soc. B, 275, 1271-1278.

Pamilo, P. (1991). Life span of queens in the ant Formica exsecta. Insectes Sociaux, 38, 111–119.

Perrett, J.R. & Stradling D.J. (1997). Population status and reproductive biology of the endangered British ant Formica exsecta in Devon. Unpublished report for English Nature.

Perrett, J.R. & Stradling D.J. (1998). Formica exsecta: population census and artificial colony establishment in Devon, 1998. Unpublished report for English Nature.

Perrett, J.R. & Stradling, D.J. (1999) Formica exsecta: Population census and artificial colony establishment in Devon, 1999.Unpublished report for English Nature, 65 pp.

Perrett, J.R. and Stradling, D.J. (2000) Formica exsecta: Population census and artificial colony establishment in Devon, 2000.Unpublished report for English Nature, 41 pp.

Perrett, J.R. and Stradling, D.J. (2001) Formica exsecta: Population census and artificial colony establishment in Devon, 2001.Unpublished report for English Nature, 53 pp.

Pisarski, B. (1972). La structure des colonies polycaliques de Formica (Copotoformica) exsecta Nyl. Ekologia Polska, 20, 111–116.

Ramel, G. J. L. (1994). The state of Formica exsecta on Chudleigh Knighton Heath from a survey between 1/6/94 and 5/7/1994. Report to Devon Wildlife Trust.

Rao, S. (2007). Determining the habitat requirements for the narrow headed ant in Deeside to inform conservation management: Report of findings for key partners and woodland managers. Unpublished.

Sacré, V.M. (1999). Spatial relationships in a wood ant community at Glenmore Forest Reserve. Honours degree thesis, University of Aberdeen.

Seppa, P., Gyllenstrand, N., Corander, J. & Pamilo, P. (2004). Co-existence of the social types: genetic population structure in the ant Formica exsecta. Evolution, 58, 2462–2471.

Schutz, M., Kretz, C., Dekoninck, L., Iravani, M. & Risch, A. (2008). Impact of Formica exsecta Nyl. on seed bank and vegetation patterns in a subalpine grassland ecosystem. J. Appl. Entomol., 132, 295-305.

Stradling, D.J. & Hoy, S.P. (1993). The Ant Formica exsecta an endangered
species. Distribution, Ecology and Conservation. An unpublished report to Worldwide
Fund for Nature on Project 199/88.

Stradling, D.J. & Salm, N. (2002) Formica exsecta: Population census and artificial colony establishment in Devon, 2002. Unpublished report for English Nature, 23 pp.

Stradling, D.J. (2003) Formica exsecta: Population census in Devon, 2003. Unpublished report for English Nature, 17 pp.

Stradling, D.J. (2003) Survey for the narrow-headed ant (Formica exsecta) at the A38/B3344 and A38/A382 junctions, Devon. August/September 2003. Unpublished report to Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Highways Agency 18 pp.

Stradling, D.J. (2004) Formica exsecta: Population census in Devon, 2004. Unpublished report for English Nature, 24 pp.

Stradling, D.J. (2005) Formica exsecta: Population census in Devon, 2005. Unpublished report for English Nature, 24 pp.

Stradling, D.J. (2005) Survey for the narrow-headed ant (Formica exsecta) at the A38/B3344 and A38/A382 junctions, Devon. August/September 2005. Unpublished report to Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Highways Agency 23 pp.

Sundstrom, L., Keller, L. & Chapusiat, M. (2003). Inbreeding and sex-biased gene flow in the ant Formica exsecta. Evolution, 57, 1552–1561.

Tuddenham, A. (1999). Chudleigh Knighton Heath 4th Management plan 01/04/1999-31/03/2004. Unpublished report for Devon Wildlife Trust.

Yarrow, I.H.H. (1954). Formica exsecta Nylander (Hym., Formicidae) in
the British Isles. The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 90, 183–185.